Arsimedik Publisher is one of EcoPlanStudio's literature publishing divisions. Dedicated to developing literacy in several fields: Architecture, Tourism, Culture, Philosophy, City Parks MasterPlan and Ornitology as an indicator of a Sustainable City.

Coming soon! The 3rd book by Rio S. Migang in Trilingual (Indonesia, English & Mandarin)


The 2nd book entitled Kebudayaan Kalimantan: Kearifan Lokal Menginternasional (Kalimantan Culture: Spreading Local Wisdom World Wide) launched on 2019 and published in Bilingual (Indonesia & English) .

It invites the readers to travel in time to recognize brilliant cogitations from several notorious figures, from Jeremy Bentham with his utilitarianism, Jacques Derrida with his deconstruction, Mies van der Rohe with his minimalism, Montessori with intellectualism freedom, John Dewey with his pragmatic education, John Hick with his pluralism to John Calvin with his reformation.

Not only does he appreciate their brilliant thought, but also triggers us to study them acutely through the local wisdom intelligence legacy as well as opening self-reflection room and constructive criticism to foreign intelligence legacy. With this book, the author tries to answer the 21st century challenges by delivering the concept that the local wisdom of the Indonesian Archipelago framed by Pancasila and Bhineka Tunggal Ika has pivotal role for this nation development, whether in intellectuality or characterization or morality. Furthermore, it is capable in answering the latest issues happening in this country.

This book officially launched on 20 July 2019 at D'Lavan Cafe VIP Room, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia and invited speakers DR. Fitria Husnatarina (lecturer), Supeni Wirawati (entrepreneur), Hawinu B. Handen ( bureaucrats) and Lesy Tandang (moderator).

Arsimedik Publisher | ISBN: 978-602-96876-2-0 | Bilingual (Indonesia-English)

The 1st book of Rio S. Migang and friends entitled Pariwisata Kalimantan: Pemikiran dan Perjalanan ke Jantung Borneo. published on 2010.

Rio as first author and co-author are I Made Adi Kampana and Jeannita Adisty. Rio is a professional architect, specializing in tourism planning in Indonesia. Adi is a tourism and sustainable development lecturer at Udayana University, Bali, and Jean is a travel blog writer.

This book includes full-color pictures and the Tourism Law No. 10/2009. The vision, mission, and current conditions of sustainable tourism development in Kalimantan Tengah (central Borneo). Topics include tourism, social issues, culture, the environment, and the development of sustainable tourism for Kalimantan Tengah.

Officially launched on 20th May 2010 at Jayang Tingang Hall, Central Kalimantan Governor complex area with Nila Riwut (Author & Culturalist), Prof. Dr. I Gede Pitana (Deputy of the Ministry of Tourism and the Creative Economy Republic of Indonesia), Alue Dohong, Ph.D (Vice Minister of Environment and Forestry Republic of Indonesia), and Ir. Sadar Ardi (Head of Dinas Kebudayaan & Pariwisata Prov. Kalimantan Tengah).

Published by Arsimedik Publisher, 2010, xiii, 154 p.: ill. (some col.); 21 cm | ISBN 9786029687606 | Monolingual (Indonesia)

Arsimedik Publisher has just published a new book entitled "40 PERTANYAAN SEPUTAR MATA" with the ISBN/KDT number 978-6029-6876-1-3.

The purpose of this book is to fill the need for a book on eye complaints and symptoms that is easy to understand. It contains a lot of information about various symptoms but in a light but detailed manner.

In the first series, an Ophthalmologist, Dr. Rose Tan, Ph.D has a question and answer session in the Dokter Mata Dokter Mata blog.

They come in several categories, such as: allergies (alergi mata), retinal detachments (abalatio retina), colorblindness (buta warna), floaters, pediatric eye disorders (gangguan mata anak), glaucoman (glaukoma), gurah mata, infection (infeksi/belekan), cataracts (katarak), glasses (kacamata) to post-operative complaints (keluhan paska operasi).